Wednesday, July 7, 2010


So... it's been a couple of weeks and I'm not sure what to write. A lot has been going on with me spiritually. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just strange, but then I'll talk to a friend that's going through the same things, and I wonder if ALL women are this strange. Lol! My emotions can change completely in a matter of minutes, and sometimes it's hard not to let them drag me to places I don't want to be. It's like a roller coaster - not always, but sometimes - and I love roller coasters, but every now and then I'd like to just get off and find something solid to stand on, thank you!

And I guess that's where the Word of God comes in, at least in this matter. It really is like a weapon to fight off Satan's attacks. I'd always heard that before, but I never really understood it until now.

In other news, the trip to Africa didn't happen for Wes. Not this time. As it turned out, the flight was already booked. But our church is taking another trip in October, so he should be able to go on that one.

Also, I'm in the process of starting a Bible study group with a friend, so I'm eager to see how that turns out. But taking initiative to do something for God always seems to bring on the adversary, big time. Satan's messing with my head, reminding me of all the ways I've ever failed and trying to use them to get me to give up before this thing ever even gets started. I guess the good news is that, if Satan's so opposed to it, something great is bound to be on its way. I think God is going to do something huge very soon. I'm just not sure yet what it might be. But I'm excited about that.

So, I'll keep the blog updated as best I can. It's obvious I have a tendency to procrastinate, but with God, all things are possible, so don't give up on me just yet.

I'm off to entertain the baby for a bit, and then hopefully get some work done on my novel, The Legend of Talis. Press on, and don't forget why we're here. We've got a job to do. A task. A great commission. Let's not forget that, ever.

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